Testing the whole action
Testing the whole controller method (guards + params + action + response handler) consists of generating the middleware associated with the controller method and calling it with a Koa context.
The magic class is the ControllerActionBuilder. It produces a middleware based on the decorators applied to it and the method name.
const action = new ControllerActionBuilder(
controllerAction: 'get',
controllerInstance: controller
}, // (1)
container.resolve(MetadataStorage) // (2)
action.build(); // It builds the middleware.
- The controller context (instance + action)
- The metadata storage
import 'reflect-metadata';
import type { RouterContext } from '@koa/router';
import { container } from '@triptyk/nfw-core';
import { ControllerActionBuilder, MetadataStorage } from '@triptyk/nfw-http';
import { UsersController } from '../src/controllers/users.js';
import { UsersService } from '../src/services/users.js';
import httpMocks from 'node-mocks-http';
import Application from 'koa';
function createFakeContext () {
return {
req: httpMocks.createRequest({
method: 'GET'
res: httpMocks.createResponse(),
app: new Application(),
query: {
user: 'admin'
params: {
name: 'amaury'
body: undefined
} as unknown as RouterContext;
function setupServiceAndController () {
const userService = container.resolve(UsersService);
name: 'amaury'
const controller = new UsersController(
return controller;
it('Whole action set ctx.body with correct data', async () => {
const controller = setupServiceAndController();
const action = new ControllerActionBuilder(
controllerAction: 'get',
controllerInstance: controller
const fakeContext = createFakeContext();
await action.build()(
async () => {}
expect((fakeContext as Record<string, unknown>).body).toStrictEqual({ data: { name: 'amaury' }, meta: undefined });